Benefits of Acupuncture Treatment for Endometriosis
Acupuncture treatment has many benefits to health, wellness, and even disease. Among these are the benefits of acupuncture treatment for endometriosis sufferers. Affecting millions of women worldwide, and 1 out of 10 women in the United States, endometriosis symptoms can impact the quality of life in every arena from school, to work and home life.
Endometriosis is a menstrual disease that occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus, or endometrium, migrates from the woman’s uterus and attaches itself to other areas and organs within the pelvic cavity. The displaced tissue responds to the woman’s menstrual cycle causing inflammation and pain and a slew of side effects that vary in severity for different women.
Symptoms of Endometriosis Include:
Severe Cramping
Longer Menstrual Cycles
Heavier Menstrual Flow
Bowel and Urinary Issues
Pelvic Pain
Abdominal and Lower Back Pain
Chronic Fatigue
Painful Sex
Urinary Urgency
Headaches & Migraines
The Effects of Endometriosis on Fertility
If attached to the fallopian tubes and/or ovaries, the displaced endometrial tissue can displace their position. This causes an immune response that can interfere with sperm, produce excess cytokines and excess mucus that can obstruct the fallopian tubes, and cause hormonal imbalances preventing normal implantation. With Chinese medicine and the benefits of acupuncture treatment for endometriosis, we help to clean up the pelvic cavity to improve function and facilitate healthy periods and conception.
Studies on the Benefits of Acupuncture Treatment for Endometriosis
Symptoms, pain, and fertility problems caused by endometriosis have been shown to benefit well from acupuncture treatment and Chinese medicine. A recent study published by the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health in 2017, concluded that the benefits of acupuncture treatment for endometriosis have been shown to reduce pain and peripheral blood CA-125 levels. While additional clinical research is suggested to learn more about the benefits of acupuncture treatment for endometriosis, Chinese medicine, and herbs have been used for centuries to diminish symptoms and improve blood flow for this purpose.
Before Beginning Acupuncture Treatment for Endometriosis
Before you begin your acupuncture treatment for endometriosis, we need to understand your unique situation, symptoms and how the condition has developed. To do this, your acupuncturist will discuss your medical history, including menstruation, contraception use, conception, surgeries, previous pelvic or genital infections, and family history. This information is necessary to understand how your case is affected by endometriosis and especially how you experience symptoms throughout your menstrual cycle.
A medical professional will diagnose endometriosis by performing a laparoscopic exam. The lap report generated from this exam is a critical piece of the puzzle for developing a plan for acupuncture treatment for endometriosis. There are many types of endometrial cysts and lesions and the lap report will help the acupuncturist understand exactly what the cameras have determined about the type and location of your endometriosis.
During Acupuncture Treatment for Endometriosis
Acupuncture treatment for endometriosis is performed in conjunction with your menstrual phases. The timing of treatment and where it is applied will vary depending on the phase of your menstrual cycle. Acupuncture treatment for endometriosis is based on what Chinese medicine diagnoses as “Blood Stagnation” and/or “Blood Stasis;” whereby the blood is accumulated where it shouldn’t be.
For best results, and the maximum benefits of acupuncture treatment for endometriosis, we recommend an ongoing treatment plan of Chinese herbs, acupuncture, and possibly moxibustion therapy. Proper nutrition and dietary guidelines are also essential in the treatment and management of the symptoms of endometriosis. According to Chinese medicine, your constitutional diagnosis will match you to what dietary guidelines will benefit blood stagnation and other factors that may be affecting your condition.
At Common Ground Wellness, we help to manage your symptoms outside of the acupuncture treatment by offering self-care tips for you. We care about your overall well-being and can offer suggestions and tips on diet and pain management. In addition to guidance from your acupuncturist, we also offer Arvigo abdominal massage. Arvigo techniques are based on an ancient Mayan method of abdominal massage that is a non-invasive manipulation that repositions the internal organs that have shifted, thereby restricting blood flow, lymph, nerves, and Qi. The Arvigo abdominal massage technique is VERY helpful for managing endometriosis.
Questions about the Benefits of Acupuncture Treatment for Endometriosis
If you still have questions about the benefits of acupuncture treatment for endometriosis symptoms and fertility please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re happy to schedule a consultation and discuss your individual needs and situation.