
Activate your body’s natural fertile capacity

The treatment of infertility with acupuncture and Chinese Medicine dates back 2,000 years. These ancient, time-tested techniques improve fertility rates and support a woman’s whole body, unlocking greater potential for health, healing, and childbearing.

Work with a Board Certified Fertility Expert

Shelby VanCleve, MAOM., L.Ac., FABORM

Shelby VanCleve of Common Ground Wellness takes a special interest in treating fertility. She is a certified Fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (aborm.org), which is the “certification to assure that practitioners who are treating patients with Chinese Medicine in the field of Reproductive Health are doing so with advanced knowledge in integrative evidence-based care”. There are very few FABORM acupuncturists in the state of Kentucky.

ABORM is an international organization that pioneers best practices in Acupuncture and Chinese medical treatment for reproductive medicine. Board-certified Fellows have advanced training in Western and Eastern reproductive medicine.

Shelby is the most experienced fertility acupuncture specialist in Louisville. She has established relationships with many of the IVF clinics in Louisville and Cincinnati, who refer patients to her often to assist in increasing live birth rates for patients undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology procedures.

A wreath of leaves surrounding a plant seed, shapes reminiscent of an ovum and a sperm

Diagnose Male and Female Fertility Factors

Baby bassinet with leaf decorations

Increase Chances of Conception

Guidance for Natural Pregnancy and ART Procedures

Potted flower being watered

Nurture a Healthy Pregnancy

A mom kangaroo carrying her baby in her pouch

Support the Wellness of Mom and Baby

What the Process Looks Like

Woman typing on a laptop
pink roses

Step 1: Scheduling & Intake

To get started, schedule online or call the office to set up your Initial Fertility Visit. You will have the option to do this in person or via video call.

After you schedule your appointment, you will get a link to complete the Fertility Health History; we encourage you to fill this out as completely as possible. 

Please provide us with any pertinent lab results or medical records.

fertility acupuncture Louisville

Step 2: Initial Consult

During your initial 90-minute appointment, we will do a detailed review of your fertility journey and all aspects of your health and wellness.

For example, we will talk about your health as a child, your mother's health when she was pregnant with you, any health concerns you have had leading up to this point, as well as all current symptoms including digestion, pain, mental health, sleep habits, energy levels, exercise, lifestyle, etc. Once the interview is complete, we will schedule your First Follow-up Fertility appointment.

This appointment does not include acupuncture. You may select Fertility Acupuncture Add-On for an additional fee. Please allow 2.5 hours for this appointment if you add on acupuncture.

Initial Fertility Visit fee: $250

Fertility Acupuncture Add-On: $80

writing tools

Step 3: Treatment Plan

In between your initial and your first follow-up, we will develop a treatment plan for you. This plan will:

  • Pinpoint what you are seeking help with

  • Elucidate what we think may be going on in both Western and Eastern medical terms

  • Guide you on what additional diagnostic workups are needed (such as lab work or Western medical testing)

  • Recommend diet and lifestyle adjustments, herbs/supplements, and self-care

  • Provide any referrals within the community we think would be most helpful for your journey

Hands holding a paper with a list on it
Red roses

Step 4: First Follow-up

During your first follow-up, we will go over the details of your treatment plan, answer any questions, and set up your acupuncture treatments, if needed.  You will have the option to do this in person or via video call.

You will leave that appointment with a detailed plan, links to reputable supplement sources, and an understanding of your treatment protocol including frequency and length.

This appointment does not include acupuncture. You may select Fertility Acupuncture Add-On for an additional fee. Please allow 2 hours for this appointment if you add on acupuncture.

First Follow-up Fertility fee: $190

Fertility Acupuncture Add-On: $80

fertility acupuncture Louisville
white rose

Step 5: Execute Treatment Plan

Based off the recommendation’s made in your First Follow-up, you will be guided through one or more of our fertility offerings. These include:

  1. Fertility Acupuncture

  2. Fertility Coaching

  3. Wild Rose Woman

How long does it take?

Shelby taking a patient's pulse and talking to them during intake

Treatment duration may vary, but Fertility Optimization usually starts with three months of weekly treatments. This may look different depending on where you are at in your fertility journey and the complexity of your case.

Subsequent in-person follow-ups are one hour in length and are primarily focused on the execution of the treatment plan, tracking symptom progress, answering questions, providing emotional support, and administering effective acupuncture protocols for fertility enhancement.

In-Person Fertility Acupuncture Session: $165

Our Fertility Offerings

Fertility Acupuncture

Acupuncture is proven to improve fertility rates and support your whole body, unlocking greater potential for healing and childbearing. You will also receive customized recommendations for your particular situation. To get started, book your Initial Fertility Teleheath session now:

Fertility Coaching

Get comprehensive holistic fertility support without acupuncture treatments. This option is great if you don’t live in Louisville, or if you just want the education and support portion and not the acupuncture. Book your Initial Fertility Telehealth session now:

Wild Rose Woman

A self-guided fertility course. Ten weekly modules covering all holistic fertility factors. Unlimited lifetime access. Weekly checklists for lifestyle changes & to-dos. Resource lists. Comprehensive holistic fertility wisdom you can access at your own pace.

Not sure which works best for you?

This may help

Shelby discusses why she chose to specialize in the treatment of women's health and fertility. Learn more about how she can help if you’re struggling with infertility.

“Assisted Reproductive Technology procedures – like medicated cycles with timed intercourse, IUI, and IVF – are extremely stressful, and put a lot of pressure on the couple to perform. These procedures can also be overwhelming and confusing. I act as a sounding board and a support system. I try to provide you with as many resources as possible, so you know what your options are, and you feel supported.”

Shelby VanCleve, MAOM., L.Ac., FABORM:

What Our Patients Are Saying

Shelby doing moxibustion on a female patient's stomach to help boost their fertility

“I not only felt better physically but mentally and emotionally too. Shelby listened and gave me neutral advice. She is extremely knowledgeable, especially about infertility and the treatment process. It really helped to have her to talk to. I looked forward to seeing her, and after my treatment, I always felt a sense of peace and calm. I highly recommend her!”


“I was grateful for how willing she was to modify our plan to accommodate my budget, and I think her combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine helped me get pregnant on my first attempt with IUI. My husband & I have been blessed with three beautiful boys, and Shelby played a key role in bringing them to us.”

“My husband and I were on a wild fertility journey with no concrete reason for why things weren’t working out in our favor. Shelby not only rekindled my joy but she brought years of experience, knowledge and comfort into each one of my appointments with her. The value Shelby provided was incomparable to anything else.”

pink rose

“I struggled with infertility (PCOS) & was ready to try a new approach after more than a year of fertility drugs. I had very little experience with acupuncture so I was anxious & slightly skeptical, but I was honestly blown away with the care I received. Shelby was knowledgeable & thorough, and she communicated better than any healthcare provider I’ve ever seen. I left each visit feeling relaxed, refreshed, and confident.”

Benefits of Acupuncture for Fertility

A candle, stack of rocks, and few rolled up towels

Stress Management

Hands holding shining orbs

Improved Circulation and Egg Health

Balance scale evenly balanced with stars on either side

Reduced Inflammation and Balanced Hormones

Comprehensive At-home Fertility Support

We offer a variety of ways you can take advantage of our fertility expertise,
even if you are not in Louisville, KY.

Fertility Coaching

Online fertility coaching with Shelby VanCleve. Personalized guidance in medical and holistic options to optimize your fertile health. Walk away feeling more inspired, capable, and ready to call in your child.

Wild Rose Woman

Comprehensive Fertility Program

A self-guided fertility course that you can enjoy from the comfort of your home. Discover the sources of your fertility struggles. Learn proven tools to correct imbalances, nurture your whole-body health, and empower your innate fertile capacity.

Questions about Acupuncture for Fertility and our Services?

  • Yes. Fertility acupuncture has been proven by multiple studies in recent decades to be effective for boosting follicle health and development, conception rates, and birth rates. Read more here.

  • Unfortunately, no.

    We are happy to provide you with a super-bill that you can submit to your insurance for reimbursement. Unfortunately, most insurance carriers in Kentucky do not cover acupuncture. Please check with your insurance before your first appointment to see if you are covered. If you are seeking treatment for a motor vehicle accident and have filed a claim, we can easily bill your insurance for your acupuncture treatment. However, we do not bill any personal health insurance plans in our office.

    Read more about acupuncture and insurance.

  • Yes, absolutely.

  • Yes, you can make three monthly payments for the 1:1 Fertility Coaching Package, or pay upfront for a discount.

  • You are still absolutely qualified for this 1:1 holistic care. ANYONE on their fertility journey is welcome, not just people doing it "all-naturally".

  • Yes, we do! The Wild Rose Woman program is a 10-module guided course for women & couples on the fertility journey, looking for comprehensive and holistic fertility information. It is open for enrollment both as a practitioner-guided program or a self-guided online course.

We are here to answer your questions, discuss your individual needs, and help you develop a treatment and wellness plan.